We hope all our guests this weekend will enjoy the new format of our annual summer Football Festival! Please find useful links and information below. For any urgent enquiries or assistance please contact the festival control point: 07514 969451
Please check Site Layout & Pitch Allocations details below to determine which pitch you will be based at. All out pitches this season will be at Bishops Cleeve FC on Kayte Lane. Not part of the fstival this season is on the Bishops Cleeve Parish Sportsfield.
Blue badge and primary parking area:
Blue badge Bishops Cleeve FC parking
Overflow parking area:
Cutbridge Meadow parking
Programme errata
- Emergency Plan - Updated due to recently fitted fence at the end of the side car park. Ambulance access to pitches round the back of the clubhouse. Updated online.
- Rule on heading (either way) for U8 thru U12 age groups omitted from published rules. As most if not all local leagues have been running the FA Heading Trial, and our referees have been running with that in the younger age groups all season too, we will follow the no heading rule for our tournament this weekend. Referee's have been briefed.
- Sat AM
- U9 Boys Group 1 (blue pitch) fixture schedule is correct online and out of date in the programme. Change sheets being printed. Follow links below for correct fixtures.
- Sunday
- AWP pitches are blue and yellow per joining instruction and programme pitch layout. Programme 'red' pitch is now 'yellow' pitch. Updated online.
Fixture Schedules & Results Tables and rules
Site Layout & Pitch Allocations

Saturday 24th
U11 Mixed - Grass 1-2U11 Girls - Grass 3U15 Girls - Grass 4U9 Girls - AWP redU9 Mixed - AWP blue, AWP yellow, AWP pink
U10 Mixed - Grass 1-3
U15 Mixed - Grass 4-5
U8 Mixed - AWP red, AWP blue
U8 Girls - AWP yellow, AWP pink
Sunday 25th
U14 Mixed - Grass 1-3
U16 Mixed - Grass 3
U13 Girls - Grass 5
U12 Girls - AWP red, AWP blue
U12 Mixed - Grass 1-2
U13 Mixed - Grass 3-4
U18 Mixed - Grass 5
U10G Girls - AWP red
U14G - AWP blue
Emergency Plans